Wheelers Hill mobile computer repairs expert
Are you looking for Computer repairs,services and help near Wheelers Hill area? We are your best local computer expert and offers fast same day onsite computer repairs and services for PC, MAC and Server users in Wheelers Hill. We service and repairs all technology including, Mac, PC, Laptops, Printers, Servers, Networks , Mobile Devices.We also provide reliable and affordable IT solution for your or your business in Wheelers Hill.
If you need to troubleshoot and repair a computer, it’s easier to do so when you can see the problem.We come to u, so uou don’t have to move your computer around, which means that there’s less chance of damaging anything else in the process. Moving a computer isn’t always simple or stress-free. the problem-solving process is fast and effective. In fact, you might be surprised at how quickly technicians can solve your computer problems in the field. There is no sending your computer out for days or weeks on end waiting.
With 20 years of Computer Repairs and Support experience,Our Experts are confidents in being able to assist you to the best solution,contact us now,leave the problem with us and spend more time enjoying your life.
- SAME DAY WE COME TO YOU, Emergency Fix Our IT technicians near Wheelers Hill Come to you Seven days ,include public holiday,after hours,and fix your computer ASAP
- Competitive Rates -The standard onsite service rate is $100 for our 1st hour or part thereof and then $20 per 15 minute if required. No call out fee for local customer .Up to 40% lower than other National Competitors published rate.or alternatively, you can contact me to ask for a fixed cost.
- Fixed pricing You'll know exactly how much you'll pay when you drop off your computer for repair. or it come with hardware issues or the problem need to take away to fix.Some Complicated computer repairs need to take away .like motherboard repair ,laptop water damage repairs,or the parts need to order. we will give you a fixed cost to repair
- Only $180 for big job .We could come to you and take Complicated Job with us(off-site) ,the labour fee will be capped to 2 hours maximum.except laptop Motherboard Repair and Advanced Data Recovery Recovery.
- 100% SATISFACTION,No fix,NO fee- if we can not fix the problem or offer you a solution then there is nothing to pay
70% computer problems are solved within an hour!
- 100%
- 90%
- 80%
- 70%
- 60%
- 50%
- 40%
- 30%
- 20%
- 10%
- 0%
- 45 mins
- 60 mins
- 75 mins
- 90 mins
- 105 mins
- 120 mins